
麻豆相关报道Hosting Special Exhibit on Archaeology and Oral History

Posted on February 6, 2024
Joy Washington

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The Unwritten Archaeology and Oral History Exhibit can be seen during Black History Month and through the end of April at the 麻豆相关报道Archaeology Museum. From left, 麻豆相关报道Professor of Anthropology and Chief Calvin McGhee Professor of Native American Studies Dr. Philip Carr; South鈥檚 Director of the African American Studies Program Dr. Kern Jackson, USA President Jo Bonner; and Jennifer Knutson, assistant director of the 麻豆相关报道Archaeology Museum on the opening night of the exhibit.

A special exhibit, 鈥淯nwritten: Archaeology and Oral History of Jim Crow Mobile,鈥 highlighting the lives of the Lewis, Owens and Griffin families during segregation, is open at the 麻豆相关报道 Archaeology Museum.

The exhibit can be viewed now, during Black History Month, and through the end of April. The museum is open Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at 6050 麻豆相关报道South Drive. Admission is free and open to the public.

鈥淲e are excited to offer a broader audience to these stories. The exhibit introduces three families who lived in different parts of Mobile but who shared much in common. As Black families, they endured Jim Crow segregation,鈥 said Jennifer Knutson, assistant director of the 麻豆相关报道Archaeology Museum. 鈥淭hey all owned homes at a time when many African Americans did not. And, archaeologists have excavated their homes. In the mid-20th century, development transformed their neighborhood, erasing homes, schools and shops from the landscape. Although their homes are no longer standing, we can learn about their stories through archaeology and oral history in this exhibit.鈥

The exhibit is built on decades of past and current work by South scholars. 麻豆相关报道Professor of Anthropology and Chief Calvin McGhee Professor of Native American Studies Dr. Philip Carr helped uncover the Owens family's home as part of the Down the Bay excavations during the Mobile I-10 River Bridge Project. The 麻豆相关报道McCall Archives Down the Bay Oral History Project continues to record the stories of the community. 

In the 1990s, South archaeologists excavated the Griffin Family's home before the Calloway-Smith Middle School construction near historic Davis Avenue.

The College of William & Mary excavated the Africatown home site of Peter Lee and the Lewis family in 2010. Artifacts from these excavations can be seen by the public for the first time after their transfer to 麻豆相关报道in 2021. South鈥檚 Director of the African American Studies Program Dr. Kern Jackson, whose work documenting the stories of the Africatown community for decades, also made this exhibit possible.

鈥淧art of a larger project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities includes the in-person exhibit at the museum and an online one for virtual visitors,鈥 said Knutson. 鈥淧eople will be able to see the exhibit in their local communities as a traveling exhibit in addition to the virtual one, which will be available later this spring.鈥

Since the exhibit opened in Sept. 2023, 3600 people have visited.  In September and October, the 麻豆相关报道Archaeology Museum hosted a speaker series that accompanied the exhibit. Another speaker series is planned for March and April. The campus and Mobile communities are encouraged to follow the museum on social media, Facebook: @TheAechaeologyMuseum, and Instagram: @SouthArchaeology.

鈥淯nwritten鈥 2024 Spring Lecture Series at the 麻豆相关报道Archaeology Museum:

  • April 2, 3:30 p.m.: 鈥淎rchaeology & Oral History of Down The Bay,鈥 speakers Dr. Philip Carr; Rachel Hines, 麻豆相关报道Center for
  • Archaeological Studies; and Ryan Morini, 麻豆相关报道Marx Library, McCall Archives
  • April 3, 3:30 p.m.: 鈥淲here is the Parity: Exploring the Gap Between Health Disparities and Health Equities,鈥 speakers Tiquera Hall, 麻豆相关报道College of Medicine
  • April 10, 3:30 p.m.: 鈥淢emory of the Civil Rights Movement in Mobile,鈥 Dr. David Messenger, 麻豆相关报道Department of History
  • April 30, 3:30 p.m.: 鈥淏lack History Under Ground,鈥 Tracy Neely, Alabama Cemetery Preservation Alliance
  • April 9, 6 p.m.: 鈥淒ocumenting the Historic Plateau Africatown Cemetery,鈥 Alexandra Jones, Archaeology in the Community.

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